Monday, February 2, 2009

How My Husband Built My 6x10 Mobile Pet Grooming Trailer for $7000.

My name is Sofiya. I was workingas a pet stylist at Petco in HuntingtonBeach, CA. The job was very hard labor and paid very little to live in expensive California where our townhouse monthly rent was $2120.00 plus bills)))

We saw a young girl drive by in a Chevy Tahoe towing a large pet grooming trailer. We started researching the mobile pet grooming business and found out that I could work less hours and earn the same amount of money, if not more by owning my own business.

Lucky for me my husband is the BBQ Coach. Who'sthe BBQ Coach? He is a Professional Builder of Outdoor Kitchens who teaches families how to build their own outdoor kitchens saving them thousandsof dollars. See his website - click here>

Hi My name is William. I built Sofiya's mobile pet grooming trailer and I am going to help you do it too! No pet groomer just starting their business wants to be paying $500. a month plus for truck payments. Plus money for tools, gas, maintenance, advertising, cell phone.

The cost of business goes on and on.

But What If you owned your pet grooming trailer with no monthly payment? Wouldn't you be so much happier having that extra money in your pocket for something nice that you deserve for working so hard.

Today is you lucky day! I am going to help you build your own pet grooming trailer for free.

Yes for free. All I ask is that if you or anyone you know ever wants an Outdoor Kitchen you please refer them to my Bbq Coach website where I try to earn my living selling dvd's and mail order steel frame kits that assemble like Ikea furniture. Ok So It's A Deal?

I will add more and more information in future months to this website to help you all that I can. I just want you to know right now that just about anyone with basic tools and skills from working around their home can do this project and save thousands of dollars.

Even if there are a few parts of the project you have to hire a plumber orhave it installed at your nearest RV Dealer.You Can Still Save Thousands and create a very beautiful Mobile Pet Grooming Trailer! I did it and you can too!


  1. are there any more pictures of the grooming trailer?

  2. I was pretty excited to find this until it crapped out without any details. Is there more or did you guys just give up?

  3. My husband is rebuilding my grooming trailer, we just got it. But the wiring in it is his nightmare. PLEASE text me back so that my husband can ask you some questions about the wiring in it. We need the help any help. Thank You for your time.

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