Friday, February 6, 2009

Step 1. Determine Location For Wall

The most popular design for mobile pet trailers is to
have a non-bearing wall approximately 2 feet in from the
rear of the trailer. With this design you have all of your
noisy equipment on one side with access from the
rear double doors. This creates a more quiet environment
for grooming your dogs.

In the picture you will notice a short wall. This wall is for
the front of a platform to support a home depot bathtub
that cost $99. If you go with a professional pet groomer
tub with its own stand you will not need to frame this
platform saving you time. I recommend you go with
a pet groomers tub. I saw one at Ryans Pet Supply
that is under $600. This tub also is not as long as a human
tub providing more room in your trailer.

Now look at the picture and you will see a steel track
running close to the ceiling, down both walls and across
the floor. This is 25 gauge galvanized steel. It is sold
at most home depots and lowes. It is light weight and
preferable to use over wood. Once you have this
frame screwed into the floor and the trailer walls
you can add studs every 16 inches to make a framed
wall. I build this wall 20 to 24 inches in from the rear
of the trailer.

The idea is to leave enough room behind this wall for
your water tanks, vacuum cleaner, small water heater.
It is a good idea to shop for water tanks before you build
this wall so you will know exactly how much clearance
you will need.

Once you have your wall frame up you can now install
your flooring material. Look for a non slip material.
Visit home depot and you will find some rubber tiles
for garages that are non -slip. Once you find the
best non-slip material go ahead and install it first.

In the next blog I we will go over step 2,
installing electrical outlets and green board
sheet rock.


  1. You completely just motivated me to build my own. This will definitely be a future goal. If I have any questions in the future can you please help me out? Hope your business is doing great :)

  2. hey william r u still out there

  3. Nice posting,thanks for share the nice blog with us and i read the full blog and you have incredible work to collect the information and i have to sure bookmark this blog.

    Mobile Pet Grooming Santa Barbara

  4. All I can seem to find is step 1. How do I get to the rest of the steps?

  5. William I hope you are still out there.I'm looking to build one for myself. I just can imagine getting into hock for 80,000 plus would like some guidance on the build.
